I'm an American and I tried a Tesco meal deal for the first time

  Release time:2024-06-04 00:23:53  
An American man visiting the UK has been left stunned after he discovered the 'best' packet of crisp。

An American man visiting the UK has been left stunned after he discovered the 'best' packet of crisps in a Tesco meal deal.

Kalani Smith, who goes by @kalanighosthunter on TikTok, boasts nearly three million followers has been trying some of Britain's most iconic food - from Cadbury Creme Eggs to pie and mash.

In a video with over 280,000 likes, the American reviewed his first ever Tesco meal deal - and was left stunned how much he enjoyed it.

Venturing into the supermarket, Kalani opted for the fajita chicken wrap, a packet of pickled onion Monster Munch as well as a bottle of Gatorade. 

US man, Kalani Smith (pictured) was shocked to discover his favourite packet of crisps ever in his first ever meal deal

US man, Kalani Smith (pictured) was shocked to discover his favourite packet of crisps ever in his first ever meal deal 

Observing the fajita chicken encased in an orange coloured wrap, Kalani was keen to compare the flavour to the fajitas in the US. 

The content creator was left stunned after taking his first bite of the 'pretty tasty' chicken item.


What is your favouirte high street meal deal?

What is your favouirte high street meal deal?

  • Dominos 27 votes
  • Pret a Manger 11 votes
  • Greggs 55 votes
  • Tesco 87 votes
  • Sainsbury's 33 votes
  • Co-op 13 votes
  • Boots 18 votes
  • Asda 7 votes
  • Morrisons 14 votes
  • Waitrose 24 votes
  • Marks & Spencer 91 votes
  • Amazon Fresh 2 votes

Now share your opinion


Taken a back by the flavour, he shockingly added: 'The fajita taste is actually pretty similar to home - maybe a tad bit sweeter.

Elaborating on the wrap's downfall, Kalani said: 'The only gripe I have with lettuce when you do it from a grab and go it gets kind of mushy. 

'Which this ones a little mushy - but the flavour is really good and the chicken tastes really good. I like the corn added in.'

Rating the meal, the American gave it a ten out of ten for affordability - but it's stellar score dropped to a seven when it came to the taste.

He added: 'Pretty good. Not the best I have ever had but to be from a convenience store to be so quick - awesome.' Moving on to the much-loved pickled onion monster munch crisp, Kalani admired their 'cool shape'.

Blown away by the flavour, the American man was aghast, adding: 'This is magical. I am not bulls

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